BLACKHEAD's KENNEL Last update: 20 June 2020   
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  Voneke - 2018-12-14 10:53:05
@Voneke: Kadang
  ridho - 2018-02-22 13:28:24
terima kasih at
  Jessisca/answered - 2017-12-08 20:47:21
@Jessisca: tida
  Hery/answered - 2017-12-02 13:11:21
@Hery: yang dap
  JM. Joko Priyono Santoso - 2017-10-25 08:24:11
saya berpendapa
  Meilda/answered - 2017-10-24 01:44:59
@Meilda: Tergan
  fernandez/answered - 2017-10-21 20:15:46
@Fenandez: sete
  Apfia/answered - 2017-10-06 02:59:07
@Apfia: pertama


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There are two main factors to be taken care of when throwing the disc: The forward acceleration and the centrifugal force. In fact, the disc has both if you throw it correctly. There has to be enough “spin” from the wrist and there has to be enough power ha in the throw. The beginners often overlook the spin, but it is still an essential factor in order to throw the disc successfully.

There are two additional contemplations: the angle to the ground and the point from where the disc leaves the hand. Don’t get confused! With a disc in your hand you will soon be able to work things out… it’s pretty easy.

Just like tennis Dog Frisbee has two major throwing techniques: Forehand and backhand. If you have tried Frisbee before you have almost certainly used the backhand technique

We will show you a couple of different versions of the backhand grip. They are all characterized by the position of the index finger, which should be put along the outer edge of the disc.

The first version: The index finger is extended to the centre of the disc. This technique gives you more control and adds more stability to the disc. The index finger along the disc helps you to throw the disc in the desired direction while the middle finger supports the disc and therefore provides more stability. The picture on the left shows the two fingers on the edge of the disc. This leads to a bigger loss of energy than the use of other techniques. Most of the energy is transferred to the disc when the index finger is being taken away from it during the throw.

The second version: This one is used less often. The index finger still rests on the edge of the disc, but this time you don’t use the middle finger for stabilization. You put more energy into your throw because there are three fingers on the disc. Mind that the gain of energy is quite insignificant because of the loss of control you will have using this technique. You get a bigger gain of energy if you put the index finger inside the edge of the disc.

Der Power Grip

All fingers grip around the edge. There is no finger supporting the disc. This leads to a substantial loss of control for the throw because you will be less able to judge the perfect time to let the disc go.

You can add more stability to the disc the more you practise this technique. The loss of control will be compensated by the gain of energy, which is created at the top of the index finger during the throw.

The degree of control depends on the position of your thumb. It is also important to grip the disc pretty tight. In general the power grip is the grip with the highest angular acceleration, which leads to a higher degree of stability. The thumb should point at the centre of the disc.

The backhand throw
If you are right handed your right shoulder should point at the target. The space between your feet should match the size of your hips. Bend your knees a little to add more stability to your position.

Please mind that the power of the throw is not generated by the power of your arms but by the shifting of your weight from the back to the front.

Use a little power to move your arm to the front of your body. Mind not to lift the disc. The disc should remain in a sloping position. The angle to the ground will naturally decrease on the disc’s way to the front. By this means it will gain its energy.

While you move your arm forward you should shift your weight on your front foot and then take a small step forward. This adds a little more power to your throw so that your arm does not have to do all the work.

Here it is important that you find the right moment to let the disc go and that you mind the spin of the disc. The point where you let the disc go is decisive for the direction of the throw: to the right, to the left or straight forward.

When you let the disc go your wrist will shoot forward. That way the disc will gain the right angular acceleration for its stabilization. The more you move your wrist to the front the more angular acceleration you will put in the disc and the better your throw is going to be.

Mind that your wrist and forearm form a straight line during your throw. Your thumb should not point to the top when you let the disc go. Otherwise you lose control of the disc and its not going to fly in the desired direction.

After you let go the disc your arm will resume its movement.

In principle this grip is quite similar to the backhand grip. The middle finger of the hand that throws the disc is placed inside the edge. The index finger points at the centre of the disc.

The advantage of this method is that you have more control of the disc. The disadvantage is that an equivalent loss of energy because it makes it more difficult to tighten your wrist.

There are different versions of this grip. The first one has the index finger next to the middle finger on the edge of the disc.

The grip increases the amount of energy you put into the throw because you can tighten your wrist more to the back. This is why you can transfer more spin to the throw. There will be a loss of control, because there is no finger to stabilize the disc. The disc will tend to flap if your wrist and the disc do not have the same angle.

It is helpful for some people to bend the index finger to get more control of the disc.

Similar to the backhand you should use your thumb to hold the disc tight. That way you get a higher angular acceleration and more control of the disc because the disc will tend less to flap.

The following grip is an interesting method for weaker players. Instead of pressing your fingertips against the edge of the disc you should press the middle finger against the edge. It’s a good way to get the feeling for the disc.

The forehand throw
Your posture is totally different from the one of the backhand throw. The right-handed player should have his left shoulder at the front and the body should be bent a little to the left. The distance between your feet should match the distance between your shoulders. Bend your knees a little bit to avoid a stiff posture.

Move your arm backwards and shift your weight slightly to the back. Your forearm should be parallel to the ground. The disc should be in an angle of 45 degrees to the ground.

It is very important for a successful throw that the disc gains most of its energy by the spin you put into it. The movement of your arm is pretty short. You should therefore try to avoid moving your arm further in the direction of the throw. It should stop at the height of your hips. That way you can put more spin in the throw.

Because of the shortness movement it is quite easy to miss the perfect moment to let the disc go. This might result in a divergence of the disc from its desired direction. The angle of the disc should stay the same while throwing off. In the beginning the disc will tend to shoot upwards. This leads immediately to an uncontrolled throw to the left.

Try to shoot the disc from the wrist. This method will give it the right spin.

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